Sensed NGO

Upcoming Projects

Always on the motive to do better for society
Project 1

E- Learning

The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the country. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms..
NGO wants to provide tablets to the students so that they could continue their learning at home.

Project brief

  • Project Name: E-learning
  • Social Problem – Online Education and unavailability of gadgets/smartphones
  • A solution to the problem: Providing students of rural area with software and hardware for smooth and uninterrupted online education
  • Location: villages of Obedullaganj block, district Raisen, M.P
  • Age group: 10 yrs to 16 yrs
You can help us
project 2
Promotion of Menstrual Hygiene Management Practices

The goal of this project is to raise awareness among adolescent girls and women about menstrual hygiene management, as well as to encourage them to use better quality sanitary napkins and understand the dos and don’ts of menstrual practices. 

project 3

Establishment of Station Community Radio

For Facilitating interactive platforms amongst the rural and urban community of Obedullaganj block enabling an opportunity to highlight their concerns, issues, their creativity, express their views and learn from each other. And also effectively outreaching the target community to link them with developmental initiatives of the organization and to inform them about key flagship schemes of the Government namely Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Beti Bachao. Beti Padhao, Jan Dhan Yojna etc.

Project brief

  • Project Name: Setting Up Community Radio Station
  • Social Problem – underprivileged villages due to lack of awareness about the govt. schemes and development programs and health awareness suggestions
  • A solution to the problem: awareness of socio-economic development of the community
  • Location: Rural areas of Raisen district, M.P
Help us raise money for Community Radio
project 4
Women Empowerment through Their Capacity Building and Promotion of Entrepreneurship

We provide training on skill-based employment and business-like beautician and tailoring of the women belonging from 20 yrs and above to encourage and enable women to start afresh