Sensed NGO


Social service is equivalent of Godly Devotion, Gratitude to the Almighty’. ‘Society for Environment & Sustainable Development’ is a NGO started by
Adv Dr Sonal Mehta an Environmentalist, Educationist, Journalist, Social Servant. SENSED NGO has tried to replicate this from the date of its conception that is from August 2011. Initially it was positioned in spreading awareness about the environment. but then it was realized that the level of awareness in the society, that this developing era needs were not at par. People couldn’t think beyond the daily chores and means of living so it is important to strengthen the foundation of Education. Motto of SENSED very well defines it ‘Ethical Education for Equitable Empowerment for Energetic Environment’ i.e. right education creates powerful environment through judicious empowerment. Childhood is the cradle of Adulthood’. At this stage, a loving family, a pollution-free environment, nutritious diet, quality education and a mixture of sports is essential for the development of children in balanced amount, So that they can create a society, which is non violent, creative and egalitarian. We at Global School of Excellence powered by SENSED are trying to impart similar education in Madhya Pradesh’s Obedullaganj block of Raisen district.

Social service is equivalent of Godly Devotion, Gratitude to the Almighty’. ‘Society for Environment & Sustainable Development’ is a NGO started by
Adv Dr Sonal Mehta an Environmentalist, Educationist, Journalist, Social Servant. SENSED NGO has tried to replicate this from the date of its conception that is from August 2011. Initially it was positioned in spreading awareness about the environment. but then it was realized that the level of awareness in the society, that this developing era needs were not at par. People couldn’t think beyond the daily chores and means of living so it is important to strengthen the foundation of Education. Motto of SENSED very well defines it ‘Ethical Education for Equitable Empowerment for Energetic Environment’ i.e. right education creates powerful environment through judicious empowerment.

Childhood is the cradle of Adulthood’. At this stage, a loving family, a pollution-free environment, nutritious diet, quality education and a mixture of sports is essential for the development of children in balanced amount, So that they can create a society, which is non violent, creative and egalitarian.

We at Global School of Excellence powered by SENSED are trying to impart similar education in Madhya Pradesh’s Obedullaganj block of Raisen district.


Obedullaganj is about 70 km from Raisen district headquarters in MP. It has about 231 villages and farming is the main source of livelihood here. Limited per capita income, the ‘purdah pratha’ in women and restricted involvement in income generation, Education- especially girls education, etc. are some of the problems in this rural area.

These problems and the development potential of the region inspired the SENSED NGO to work here in the field of education society and environment.

SENSED is working towards the overall development of the entire family. Such as providing value based education to the young ones as well as providing employable skills to the mothers and sisters, and knowledge of organic farming to the fathers & brothers of the area. Global School of Excellence is working as a nursery, nurturing young talents for commissioned and non commissioned services for the nation. Along with this distribution of an Environment awareness based weekly newspaper ‘The Karmik Post’ and distribution of an Education based newsletter ’The Global Times’ on quarterly basis is also being done by SENSED NGO to spread awareness amongst the local residents about Education and Environment.

SENSED is determined to dedicate its years old experience of working amongst the society, for the welfare of Obedullaganj. Society is gradually earning Trust and cooperation of the local residents to achieve its goal of Sustainable Development.

Now we are planning to expand our efforts in more systematic and effective ways to cover maximum people with major focus on quality education& livelihood and linking them effectively with environmental issues to create favorable atmosphere for better development of children.

The entire human race has been affected in a way or other in this Corona period. Especially employment of people and education of children are hard hit. There has been a lot of change in the socio-economic-educational fabric of the society. To adjust with the change, online classes are being conducted, so that the education of the children goes smoothly, as well as packets of cooked meals were distributed amongst the destitute families by the society during hard time.

In our limited resources, we have tried to do all this work and we are very grateful to our Donors who have continuously funded this organisation and kept the flame of social service burning. This institution is dedicated to education, employment, women and child development, environment and social justice. We request with folded hands 🙏to avail your small cooperation in the form of acknowledgement, empathy and good wishes which together along with our humble hard work can bring big changes in the life of the ones who are really in need
In anticipation